Healing From Auto Injuries with Acupuncture
Laser Therapy for Auto Injury
If you are in Downtown Miami and have had an auto injury Consider the importance of getting laser therapy along with chiropractic treatment. People who have laser treatment along with adjustments have much better long-term outcomes.
Functional Medicine Protocols for Influenza
Many people suffer from many kinds of viruses that don’t have a vaccine or a specific drug to cure it, such as Herpes, West Nile Virus, and Dengue Fever. The specialty of functional virology looks at the type of virus, then through clinical experience and scientific studies devises protocols that improve immunity, prevent infection, and in the event of infection prevent viral replication. Functional medicine uses mostly nutritional supplements herbs that have been scientifically proven to improve the function of your immune system and other critical systems to reduce your risk of fatality.
Vitamin D and Pre-Exhisting Conditions
vitamin D can help prevent influenza and may be the cause of many of the pre-existing conditions that make getting infected more dangerous.
What You Can Learn from 1000 Dead Mice About Covid-19–CDC forgot to mention
HOW FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE CAN REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK FROM COVID-19! The bottom line is health experts expect that 60% of us will become infected with Covid-19 over the next 2 years. Many people will get it before there is a Vaccine. At the present time our most...
What We Learned From The Flu of 1918! People of Color take heed!
Vitamin D is so powerful that “each 10 n/ML increase in 25(OH)D was associated in a 7% reduction in the risk of infection.”
Has Your Child Been Injured in An Auto Accident?
If you have been in an auto accident and your child was in the back seat, you may be trying to assess your child’s injuries and concerned about what type of treatment may be most appropriate. Several signs that your child may have been injured in an automobile...
CBD For Pain and Anxiety Following Auto Injury
Many people who have been in a car accident or have experienced trauma may have nerve damage, whiplash, brain damage, concussion, neck or back pain, radiating pain, sleeplessness, insomnia, depression, numbness and tingling, headaches and more. After...
Learning Disabilities Help is Here!
Learning Disabilities Help Is Here! posted: Sep 26, 2019. Approximately 1 in 68 children In Davie and Plantation, FL, will be diagnosed with spectrum disorders. Spectrum disorders include ADD and ADHD. Also, many children are having difficulty learning. There is one...
Beware the Dangers of Hip and Knee Replacements
Studies show the rate of hip and knee replacements becoming more common especially as baby boomers begin aging. But look out, our research shows hip and knee replacements can shorten your life and often fail. Though we could not find extensive long term studies, the...