Adding Acupuncture to Chiropractic Treatment in our Downtown Miami office is a sure way to get even better results whether you want to get out of pain fast or obtain optimal health. Most experts agree that Acupuncture has been practiced in China for 3-6 thousand years. It was brought to china by the Yellow Emperor. It is based on a network of energy lines or grids in the body that have also been studied, verified, and measured by scientists in modern times. These grids are associated with individual organs, emotions, and diseases. Detecting and correcting imbalances in these organs can improve your health and vitality and reduce stress. There are over 1,000 acupoints throughout the body. Though painless needles have been traditionally used, acupuncture points can be stimulated by magnets, lasers, or electro-stimulation. None of these methods are painful, and yet all are very effective.
What is EMI?
In 1950 a Japanese Doctor, Yoshio Nakatani began measuring the electric conductivity of the skin on a patient with kidney disease. He found a pattern of increased resistance corresponding to the acupuncture kidney meridians. He then mapped several patients with kidney disease and found similar patterns. He then checked patients with diseases of other organs. He mapped them and labeled them. The patterns he mapped and labeled matched the Chinese acupuncture system. He began to treat patients based on his findings. The results of his treatments based on his findings were so impressive that people came from all over the world to observe his system. His studies changed the way acupuncture was practiced in Europe, China, Australia, and North America. Though D. Nakatani would never be allowed to go to China because of the political situation, his work resulted in the development of a system of acupuncture called Ryodorako, meaning good line.
Masters of Oriental Medicine take up to an hour to make a diagnosis and spends decades training. With Ryodorako, an accurate assessment can be made in just a few minutes. Ryodorako findings have been compared against the most experienced leaders in the field of Chinese medicine, and proven just as accurate.
We have found that long before diseases manifest such as torn tendons, swollen salivary glands, liver disease, diabetes, headaches, fibroids, sexual dysfunction, heart disease, and even strokes, predictive changes show up on EMI. Acupuncture can help with many health conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, pain, digestive disorders, heart disease, stress, addiction, gynecological problems, incontinence, impotence, and more. Call for a free consultation to see if acupuncture can help you (786)391-3853.

9:00 AM -2:00 PM AND 3PM – 6 PM
Studies show that past traumas can have a significant effect on your health. Neuro Emotional Technique can help!