Were you aware that most people injured in an automobile accident still had pain 2 years later and that many people had pain for life? 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, many of them as a result of past auto injuries. This is why getting professional chiropractic care in Miami that includes Laser therapy following an auto injury is so important. Laser is one of our many protocols for auto injury patients that help to ensure you get back to living a healthy and productive life for years following a car accident.
Benefits of Laser Therapy
- Non-Toxic
- Non-Evasive
- Highly effective
- Very Safe
- Increases wound healing time
- Stimulates Nerve Function
- Reduces Painful Fibrous tissue formation
- Stimulates vascular activity
Lasers have been approved by FDA to treat many conditions including bladder, liver, skin, hair, heart, and lung.
Lasers increase collagen synthesis leading to increased healing of both acute a chronic wounds following auto injury. Lasers have been shown to be effective for conditions such as neck pain, muscle fatigue, lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, whiplash and concussion, and other symptoms that frequently follow a collision.
Even if you had arthritis, scar tissue or other painful conditions previous to your auto injury laser therapy can help. Lasers have been shown to reduce adhesions and other fibrous tissue that can cause pain and decrease mobility and result in years of pain.
If you have been injured in an automobile accident visit our Downtown Miami Office. Call our office right away. All auto injuries are seen right away. (954)774-8848.

Even accidents at speeds as low as 5 miles per hour can cause substantial damage to your spine!
You have 14 days from the date of an auto accident to see a physician or lose your $10,000 in personal injury medical benefits!
Contact us in Sunrise at (954)745-8380
Miami at (786)391-3853

Dr. Owen has been treating auto injury patients for over 20 years. She uses the latest orthopedic and chiropractic techniques to help you regain your health without the use of dangerous drugs and surgeries. She is certified in Acupuncture, Applied Clinical Kinesiology, and Neuro Emotional Technique. Helping you regain your health and get back to enjoying life is her highest priority.