“The trace element selenium stands out as probably the most important factor when you have to survive and recover from infection with HIN1.” In one study those with higher levels of selenium recovered in less than half the time of people with lower selenium levels.
Refs. Moya M, et al. Potentially-toxic and essential elements profile of AH1N1 patients in Mexico City. Sct Rep. 2013. E-pub ahead of print. Beck MA, et al. Host nutritional status and its effect on a viral pathogen. J Infect Dis.2000;182 Suppl 1:S93-6.
“Selenium prevents mutation of influenza viruses. “ ---Science news June 2001
Se-Zyme Forte™ supplies selenium as a whole food, phytochemically bound vegetable culture. Selenium is an essential trace element possessing antioxidant properties, and is key to the production of glutathione peroxidases. Consider whenever supplemental selenium is indicated.